Commercial Contract Management

Client Cases

We protect and boost our clients’ business


Commercial Contract Manager externalised


The company is in its growth phase, and has to cope with a new demanding global client base. The contractual competencies required are eminently heavy for a SME.


Handle urgent tasks of ongoing negotiations, while still working on implementing standards that are clear, simple and acceptable. Legal competencies are required, but even-the-more are the commercial ones, in particular digitalization and knowledge of the CPG market. Full company immersion, with regular contact with sales team, support and management functions. Ability to provide proper mix between strategy consulting and operational tasks, at the cheapest possible price.

  • Average cycle time reduction (frame agreements are closed in 2 months instead of 6)
  • Improved time to money
  • Ease sales jobs
  • Given them more client facing time to build enriched relationship

Risk and Opportunity Assessments


The Board of a company growing its international base is worried about its risks of doing business (all risks besides technical ones).


One way to qualify risks is to proceed with a single contract review with an average to high complexity, reflecting usual business. The assessments will secure a sufficient coverage (as per 80/20 method). What is required here is an proficient expert that can cover large transversal competencies. This is hard to find!

  • This approach assures that costs are largely below usual practices
  • While is represents a sufficient overview of the risks and opportunities of the company

Client feedback: « Excellent report, complete, with pertinent and useful recommendations that are easy to implement ».

The Start-up (including digital transformation)


Active in an innovative area, mingling hardware, software and digital technologies. The products of such companies involve high complexity, unknown in the past. It requires vast competencies in legal, sales, IT and public sector. All at a modest cost, with a reusable result.


Only do the strict necessary to succeed in the start, the remainder will follow the future cash-in. Here, it is a matter of building simple complete and sufficiently protective contract basis that also produce trust. Also, the partners need to be guided through the jungle of complexity such as certifications processes, international taxation and laws, transports, insurances, software licensing, maintenance, warranties, liabilities, partnerships, sales, cultural differences, etc.

  • A sound and replicable contract basis.
  • Provide fundamentals on international contracting
  • Inform and be available for question on demand
  • And doubt not, the partners are more than happy with the received support!


Member of the CTA and IACCM

Schot llc

Commercial Contract Management

Schot Sàrl Rue Maurice-Braillard 34
1202 Genève - Suisse